After so long time I decided to write something. Cause yesterday was The Day. First time ever I went to the Czech cinema. It was funny, kinda old school, no high technology like screen where you can show where you'd like to take a sit. Whatever.
Django. By Tarantino. Before I decided to see that almost everybody was telling me that it's so awesome, cool and impressive. I wasn't really interested, cause I was afraid that it's gonna be like all of those new movies - shitty. Even Karel Schwarzenberg* (here you can see his achievements) said that this is really nice movie, so finally I moved my lazy, heavy... body, bought a ticket and saw that. Okay, actually visiting Czech cinema was weird, but funny experience. I had botle of coke, cheesy popcorn, and then advertisements started. I really don't get them. I understand Czech a bit, I can communicate but I don't get this weird sense of humour... Okay, so back to Django. After advertisements movie finally has started. Firstly it remainded me Amistad. But then... Bloody Tarantino. Totally. The movie is full of surrealistic scenes, thing I really liked was music which seemed to not fit to what you could see.
I've never thought that I may like Di Caprio. But his role, the character he created was outstanding. And respect for still playing eventhough he hurt himelf, he was bleeding... Guy is incredible. And Samuel L. Jackson. I really liked him. Firstly I didn't recogize him, he got older (of course, I know that he had some make up as well and stuffs), he was just awesome...
Sorry for no pictures. No time for that.
DiCaprio is great, he was boring and repulsive when he was mr Titanic painter and in other stupid movies. Early works, like "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and "This Boy's Life" are the first steps of genius. Now Leo is brilliant.